VSTO & .NET & Excel

January 13, 2014

VBA Enumeration Database

Filed under: .NET & Excel, Database, Developer sites, Excel, SQL Server, SQLite, Tools, Valentina DB — Dennis M Wallentin @ 3:24 pm

Whenever CodeProject send their newsletter I take the time to read it more carefully. Although not every time but quite often I find one or more gems among the presented articles.

The article VBA Enumeration Database should be read by every seriously MS Excel developer as it covers one of the cornerstones in VBA development; interaction with databases.

So I recommend You to click on the above URL, start to read and then download the code!

Please note, You must be a member of CodeProject to download.

Kind regards,

PS: I must confess; I have not written a single line of VBA code for the last 6-8 months. At least, what I can remember 😉

January 1, 2014

Syncfusion’s Free Offers

Filed under: .NET & Excel, Apps for Office, COM Add-ins, Excel, SQL Server, SQLite, Tools, UI Design, Valentina DB, VSTO & Excel — Dennis M Wallentin @ 8:37 pm

During 2013 Syncfusion have been releasing additional books in the series of Succintly. They cover a lot of development areas and are all free (PDFs).

Not only books are shipped free. Syncfusion offers also for Hobbyist the Essential Studio for JavaScript.

Per se it’s not free as You need to pay $ 1 for 1 license which is also valid for next offer.

Another offer for Hobbyist  is the Essential Studio for WinRT (Windows 8.1)

The JavaScript Studio should attract Excel developers who develop so called Office Apps.

Anyway, I find it nice when a company like Syncfusion actually see the group of hobbyists.

Yes, I’m a full member of the Hobbyists group 😉

Happy Coding!


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