VSTO & .NET & Excel

August 13, 2014

Articles about installing softwares from SamLogic

I’m aware of the fact that I nowadays rarely make any posts here at all. One explanation is that I’m learning about new tools and that I find it very satisfaction and enjoyable.

Nevertheless, SamLogic, the Swedish vendor of Visual Installer and other excellent tools, have recently published some interesting articles which explain some important aspects when it comes to install softwares:


Happy coding everyone!


January 13, 2014

VBA Enumeration Database

Filed under: .NET & Excel, Database, Developer sites, Excel, SQL Server, SQLite, Tools, Valentina DB — Dennis M Wallentin @ 3:24 pm

Whenever CodeProject send their newsletter I take the time to read it more carefully. Although not every time but quite often I find one or more gems among the presented articles.

The article VBA Enumeration Database should be read by every seriously MS Excel developer as it covers one of the cornerstones in VBA development; interaction with databases.

So I recommend You to click on the above URL, start to read and then download the code!

Please note, You must be a member of CodeProject to download.

Kind regards,

PS: I must confess; I have not written a single line of VBA code for the last 6-8 months. At least, what I can remember 😉

January 1, 2014

Syncfusion’s Free Offers

Filed under: .NET & Excel, Apps for Office, COM Add-ins, Excel, SQL Server, SQLite, Tools, UI Design, Valentina DB, VSTO & Excel — Dennis M Wallentin @ 8:37 pm

During 2013 Syncfusion have been releasing additional books in the series of Succintly. They cover a lot of development areas and are all free (PDFs).

Not only books are shipped free. Syncfusion offers also for Hobbyist the Essential Studio for JavaScript.

Per se it’s not free as You need to pay $ 1 for 1 license which is also valid for next offer.

Another offer for Hobbyist  is the Essential Studio for WinRT (Windows 8.1)

The JavaScript Studio should attract Excel developers who develop so called Office Apps.

Anyway, I find it nice when a company like Syncfusion actually see the group of hobbyists.

Yes, I’m a full member of the Hobbyists group 😉

Happy Coding!


July 20, 2013

Ribbon Control – Xojo – Jérémie Leroy

Filed under: SQL Server, SQLite, Tools, UI Design, Valentina DB, Xojo — Dennis M Wallentin @ 2:57 pm

This is the first post of a series that will present controls and tools by Jérémie Leroy.

Why I pick these controls is quite simple to explain:

  • All controls and tools are of high quality
  • They are easy to work with, even for a newbie like me
  • They all support the RAD concept
  • The prices are reasonable given what we get for the money

First out is the tool for creating Ribbon UI in an easy way. It’s a visual designer tool that generates the required code to show and use the Ribbon UIs.

Interesting, when creating the Ribbon UI and the code for it we actually run in Debug mode.

The elements of the control are as the following picture shows:


It’s easy to keep these three elements in mind. Next, let us have a look on the control itself. The following screen shot views the Ribbon UI tool:

To start to add Tabs, Sections and Buttons we simple click on the Reorder Ribbon button. When adding new elements we can at the same time manipulate the added item. The following shows tries to show it:


When all the elements have been added to the Ribbon it can look as the following screen shot:


The last step to do is to generate the code to create the Ribbon UI. Click the button To XML/Xojo and it will very fast generate the required code to build the customized Ribbon UI.


The next and final step is simple to cut & paste the generated Xojo code to the Open event of  the RibbonCanvas objectet.

 Dim T As RibbonTab
 Dim S As RibbonSection
 Dim B As RibbonButton

 //Tab 1
 T = New RibbonTab("Home")
 me.Tabs.Append T

 S = New RibbonSection("Help")
 T.Sections.Append S

 B = New RibbonButton("btnDBHelp", "Database", Ico("database-help"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "database-help"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnQHelp", "Query", Ico("query-help"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "query-help"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnRHelp", "Report", Ico("report-help"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "report-help"
 S.Buttons.Append B

 S = New RibbonSection("Record")
 T.Sections.Append S

 B = New RibbonButton("btnAdd", "Add", Ico("button_green_add"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "button_green_add"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnUpdate", "Update", Ico("button_green_down"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "button_green_down"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnDelete", "Delete", Ico("button_red_delete"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "button_red_delete"
 S.Buttons.Append B

 S = New RibbonSection("Maintenance", "Maintenance")
 T.Sections.Append S

 B = New RibbonButton("btnDBCompress", "Compress Database", Ico("compress_database"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "compress_database"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnTableCompress", "Compress Table", Ico("compress_table"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "compress_table"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnDBBackup", "Backup Database", Ico("database_backup"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "database_backup"
 S.Buttons.Append B

 S = New RibbonSection("Query")
 T.Sections.Append S

 B = New RibbonButton("btnQuery", "Query", Ico("query"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "query"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnLookup", "Lookup", Ico("query_lookup"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "query_lookup"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnQueryDB", "Query Database", Ico("query-database"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "query-database"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnExecute", "Execute", Ico("query-execute"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "query-execute"
 S.Buttons.Append B

 S = New RibbonSection("Report")
 T.Sections.Append S

 B = New RibbonButton("btnReport", "Report", Ico("report"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "report"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnOpenReport", "Open Report", Ico("report_open-add"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "report_open-add"
 S.Buttons.Append B
 B = New RibbonButton("btnMailReport", "Mail Report", Ico("report_open-mail"), Nil)
 B.IconName = "report_open-mail"
 S.Buttons.Append B

me.Height = me.BestHeight

As part of the solution there is also a support function to work with the added icons:

Ico(Name As String, Debug As Boolean = False) As Picture

If IconList.HasKey(Name) then
 Return IconList.Value(Name)
 elseif Debug then
 #if DebugBuild
 End If

 Return New Picture(1, 1, 32)
 Return Nil

As we can see, it’s a quite straight forward code. It simple to follow and to maintenance it.

Here are the interesting links to Jérémie’s site and productpage:


Kind regards,


Edit Note: Of course, I should also mention that the professional icons in use are made by Axialis.

June 8, 2013

Xojo: An Old New Kid on The Block

Until 4th June this year the company had the name Real Software Inc and their product, a cross-platform developing kit, had the name Real Studio. However, the company name is now Xojo Inc and the product’s name is Xojo.

Bob Keeney, founder of BKeeney Software, has written a great review about Xojo 2013r1. I refer to that articles then write one myself.

Here I will bring up two important subjects, Xojo in Windows and Missing Controls – Expensive to buy.

Xojo in Windows

When I started to hang around and lurk around I got the impression that the major group of developer are on the Apple platform. Since then it has been confirmed in many ways and with the transformation of Real Studio UI to Xojo UI it’s quite clear that Xojo Inc favor the Apple platform. Have a look on the below screen shot, is it Windows or?

Xojo in Windows

Missing Controls – Expensive to buy

If I buy a development tool like Xojo I expect to have included a bunch of basic controls. Xojo Inc do not follow the main stream of development tools. They have excluded two important controls, a Data Grid and a Chart control.

In fact, they have placed themselves as hostage to 3rd party controls by some vendors. For developers it gets more expensive and by using the 3rd party controls the developers are also in the hand of the 3rd party vendors.

OK, we start first with buying a license of Xojo Desktop for US$ 300 (excluding VAT).

Suppose we need a descent Data Grid control we then must buy a collection of plug-ins. The collection has a price of US$ 199 (excluding VAT) with a subscription of one year.

Next, we realize we need a chart control. It exist a free chart control but it has not been updated for the last years. Beside that, it lack a lot of feature. Our real option is to buy a commercial Chart control. It cost US$ 26o (excluding VAT).

Let us summarize it:

  • We pay US$ 300 for one Xojo Desktop License
  • We pay US$ 560 for two basic controls!
  • All in all, we pay US$ 860 (excluding VAT)

We actually pay more for two basic controls then what one license of Xojo Desktop cost! That sucks.

Badwill can be created in many ways. Badwill created this way can easily be avoided; provide a Data Grid control and a Chart control as part of Xojo packages.

Is it only me who find it unacceptable?

Xojo is an interesting development too and I find the job done by Xojo Inc to be good. However, given the present feedback Xojo need one or two releases before all the teething are gone.

Finally, the subject for this article is related to the fact that Xojo is based on Real Studio so in one way it’s new in another way it’s old.

Kind regards,

May 30, 2013

SQLabs SQLite Tools

Filed under: .NET & Excel, Apps for Office, COM Add-ins, Database, Excel, LiveCode, Real Basic Developing, SQLite — Dennis M Wallentin @ 5:42 pm

We all get some favorite tools, tools that we use on a regular basis. They usually do the work fast and effective. I still use SQLite databases and have done it more then eight years or so. The SQLite database is great for a various tasks, especially as an embedded database. It’s easy to work with in all the environments I move between, VB6 / VB.NET / LiveCode / Real Studio (Xojo) / PowerBasic & EZ GUI / NSB AppStudio.

The key to successfully use SQLite in different solutions is the tools I administrate SQLite databases with. For some years ago I stumbled over a site that caught my interest, http://www.sqlabs.net/.

When looking into it I read about some tools that could help me manage SQLite databases. The first tool was the SQLite Manager which turned out to be a powerful database management tool. The following picture is a screen shot of it:


Next, I needed to port two databases, i e so called Access database and then I tried the SQLite Converter. Success! Since then I always use SQLabs’s Converter. Yes, the below screen shot shows the SQLite Converter in action:


For a year ago or so SQLabs published an excellent offer for their relational database management system (DBMS) named to cubeSQL:

  • A Developer key :  Unlimited connections key but requires you to restart the server every 4 hours or
  • A Freeware key: Max 3 concurrent connections key without any time limitation.

Some months later, after the publish, I needed a server for my SQLite databases. I then remembered this kind offer. Now I nearly cannot live without it.

The following screen shot shows the cubeSQL in action:


In my personal opinion these tools are highly recommended and the price of each SQLite tool should not scare anyone away.

They, SQLabs, also offer some more tools that may be is of interest.

For more information, please visit their site: http://www.sqlabs.net/


Kind regards,

March 24, 2013

Clean Up!

As part of my maintenance, in order to keep the computer fresh, is to regular run the built-in tool Free up disk space.

The tool is accessible via the following commands:

  • Start Button > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Free up disk space

After running it the following dialog is showed:


Yes, I admit it was some time ago since I last executed the clean up process. However, I cannot understand how Temporary Files can grow to a size of 30 GB?

In addition, does anyone know if it exist a small utility that can automatically clean up Temporary Files?

The general recommendation is to not forget to run the Free up disk space on a regular basis!

Kind regards,

January 30, 2012

Best Practices Export Data to Excel

If You’re a VBA Developer You should know what best practices is to export data to MS Excel. Two expressions summarize it; Microsoft ActiveX Data Object Library and CopyFromRecordset.

However, if You’re a .NET developer and face a situation where You must find a solution to export data to MS Excel then there is a chance that You don’t know the best practices. In general, working on the .NET platform means that we use .NET classes to solve various tasks. When it comes to data acquiring two of the more popular approaches are to use ADO.NET and LINQ. However, as this blog article shows using classic ADO is the fastest way to dump data into a worksheet.

When lurking around various public Q&A forums I have noticed that the question “how to export data to MS Excel” is asked over and over. This article is the answer to that question and it will provide You with the best approach when it comes to speed.

Initially we need to set a reference to “Microsoft ActiveX Data Object x.x Library” where “x.x” refers to the version number in our .NET solution. Next, we must explicit add a reference to the Object Library which is done in the below code. Don’t forget to add the library to the prerequisites or copy the required files to the project.

Imports ADODB
Imports System.Text
Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Public Class frmMain

Private Sub btnExport_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnExport.Click

Const stcon As String = _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\NorthWind.accdb"

Const stsql As String = "SELECT * FROM Invoices"

Dim cnt As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim fld As ADODB.Field

'Open the database connection.

'Open the Recordset.
With rst
.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
.Open(stsql, cnt, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, _
ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, _
.ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With

'Closing the database connection.

'Variables for Excel and the created workbook.
Dim xlapp As New excel.Application
Dim xlwbook As excel.Workbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Add( _
Dim xlwsheet As excel.Worksheet = _
CType(xlwbook.Worksheets(1), excel.Worksheet)

Dim xlrange As excel.Range = xlwsheet.Range("A2")
Dim xlcalc As excel.XlCalculation

'Temporarily turning off the auto calculation.
With xlapp
xlcalc = .Calculation
.Calculation = excel.XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual
End With

Dim ifieldcounter As Integer = Nothing

'Writing the field names to the worksheet.
For Each fld In rst.Fields
xlrange.Offset(0, ifieldcounter).Value = fld.Name
ifieldcounter = ifieldcounter + 1

'Dump the recordset into the worksheet.
xlrange.Offset(1, 0).CopyFromRecordset(rst)

'Closing the recordset.

With xlapp
.Visible = True
.UserControl = True
'Restore the calculation mode.
.Calculation = xlcalc
End With

fld = Nothing
rst = Nothing
cnt = Nothing
xlrange = Nothing
xlwsheet = Nothing
xlwbook = Nothing
xlapp = Nothing
End Sub
End Class

That’s it!

Kind regards,

December 21, 2011

Real Studio – The Perfect Companion for SMEs

Filed under: Real Basic Developing, SQLite, Valentina DB — Tags: , — Dennis M Wallentin @ 1:43 am

In the beginning of this year I decided to explore Real Studio (formerly Realbasic, RS) which is a full featured cross-platform software development tool. With it we can create a wide range of applications, from small tiny utilities to enterprise applications that target Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and the web.

Initially I had an idea of just testing RS for some days, write a blog entry and then go back to .NET & MS Excel. Well, it turned out to something unexpected, I started to use it more and more. I even bought some third-party’s controls. Now I’m considering creating some standalone commercial tools on the RS platform.

Before we move on please put off  Your Excel hat and while doing so please also put off Your VS.NET hat. Also, bear in mind that while Microsoft is the largest software corporate in the world the company behind Real Studio, Real Software, is indeed a small corporate. What I try to say is; try to avoid the mistake to compare Real Studio vs Microsoft’s softwares and also Real Software vs Microsoft.

Real Studio
Real Software is the corporate behind RS and it was founded in 1996. The first version of RS was released in 1998. So after more than 10 years on the market RS should indeed be considered as a matured software and development platform.

RS is a unique software and development platform as it actually is targeting four different platforms, Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and the web. I find it amazing that we can create softwares for more than one platform in a rather smooth way and at the same time. To me it was a wow-factor when I saw my first application running on Ubuntu 11.10 (a Linux distribution) developed on Windows 7.

For me RS will always have a special place in my heart because RS has brought back the joy to develop applications! Yes, it’s true and I find myself smiling when doing some hobby project with RS. This may sound extraordinary but I have been developing solutions for MS Excel for more than 20 years using VBA, VB6 and VB.NET. I needed a reboot and RS was the tool for it.

What was it that made me to change from an opinion that just test it to really like RS and appreciate it as I actually do? The first thing that comes to my mind is simplicity, RS is really simpel to use yet so powerful. The second is the tight integration for databases in RS and how it interacts with databases. The third and final thing is how easy it’s to deploy it. It reminds me how easy it was to work with VB6. So for future release I have only one wish; please keep it clean and simple.

The first screen shot shows the start page when using the Enterprise version on Ubuntu 11.10:

The second screen shot shows the RS’s IDE in “visual mode”. For some it may look primitive but actually I have noticed that I have become more productive with this “simple” and clean interface as I find my ways relative fast (Enterprise version and Ubuntu 11.10):

RS is a strong supporter of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques. But don’t be afraid, RS does not require that we must be OOP-gurus. In other words, RS offers us to use it but we are not forced to accept the offer.

One of the corner stones of RS is its Database class which allows us to connect and interact with several common databases. Not only that, since version 2005 RS is shipped with its own database, Real SQL Database. RS own database is built around SQLite, which is quite good to use for most of the projects. At least, that’s my opinion. The RealSQLDatabase is a subclass of the Database class. Take Your time to explore this part of RS and You’ll be surprised for what it actually can achieve. I find the Database part to be the best part in RS due to the tight integration in RS, it’s simplicity and the fact it doesn’t include only the RealSQLDatabase.

Of course, RS can also interact with other commercial databases such as Valentina DB. The following screen shot shows the built-in options for using databases (Enterprise version on Window 7 x86):

RS is also shipped with a built-in report generator that can be used to create reports to present data from databases. Just for fun You may check out the following two databases that work with RS as well:

What may surprise You, I was very surprised, is that RS is not shipped with any native Grid control or with a Chart control. Personally I have difficulties to accept it. OK, it exist some good commercial third-party controls (see below) but that shouldn’t be an excuse for not providing at least two basic controls with RS. After all, the missing components belong to the core of data presentation, linked to underlying databases, and therefore should be considered as a “must”.

For those of us who come from the VB world will find out that learning Realbasic has a short learning curve and that the learning curve is not steep. Realbasic can be described as a Visual Basic almost-clone but much better. It’s quite impressive that we here have a development platform that use Real Basic to develop solutions for four different platforms.

Personally I’m very pleased with it as it saves hours of learning. If You just for a minute place the VB-hat back on Your head;  the following code is actually written in Real Basic and it’s difficult to separate it from VB(A)-code, right?

Dim FItem as FolderItem
Dim iCounter as Integer
FItem = GetFolderItem("")
For iCounter = 1 to fitem.Count
Listbox1.AddRow str(iCounter)
Next iCounter

Now You can take off the VB-hat again.

Real Software has a 90 days release cycle, that’s four times per year. What is notable is that no patches or service packs are released between the new versions of RS. Of course, the release cycle has its pros and cons. RS can be improved rather quickly and users know when new versions are expected. [Edit] If Real Software find a major bug then they will rather immediately release a new version of RS.

What may be a problem for RS developers is that some part(s) of RS can be deprecated between two versions without any notification. So before using newer versions RS developers must make sure that what is in use is not dropped in coming versions. This may sound as rather tough sits for developers. However, Real Software keep them in the framework up to one year or so and developers are warned when they open a solution that includes deprecated items etc. Developers are also notified about the changes in the release notes.

A side effect of the release cycle and the applied policy is that no books can actually be written as they can be outdated before they are even released. This makes it more difficult to learn to use and leverage RS, at least if we are looking for printed sources. I will later discuss the available channels for learning RS.

Because RS is a cross-platform development software, i.e. it target four platforms, Real Software must always apply the lowest denominator approach when adding new features. This is per design but Real Software also add OS-specific features. A typical case is the Windows registry.

What should also be notable is that RS does not support x64. However, it’s something that will be implemented in RS within a foreseeable future.

RS comes in several versions, but they are all targeting either the Desktop or/and the web. RS is shipped in several various versions as the list below shows:

  • Personal
  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Web

For more information about present versions, pricing and terms please see Compare Editions.

For a presentation of the company behind RS please see Real Software.

For an introduction to RS please see Real Studio.

Technically Support for RS
Real Software offers support for owner of Enterprise and Professional licenses. But the best resources for support are the public Q&A forums Real Software runs and they also maintenance mailing lists. RS has a strong support from the group of independed developers and many of them have been around since RS was shipped for the first time. Real Software maintenances also a wiki documentation site for RS, RealbasicWiki. There You can find updated and new technically information.

In my own experience I can say that the support given by the RS community is very good and that the community is indeed friendly. The forums are great places to start with and the knowledge is both deep and wide. The mailing lists are good but they can be more technically advanced. For learning they are great to monitor and follow.

Resources for learning RS
Because of the high pace of releasing new RS versions it’s impossible to write a book that is up to date. However, it exist some books that can be useful, especially for new users, although they are getting outdated. But the best resources can therefore be found on the web.

Real Studio Developer Magazine
Real Studio Developer Magazine is a monthly magazine with news, reports, reviews and code series. If You want to be serious about RS then a subscription of this magazine is a must. Please see RS Developer Magazine for more information.

RBLibrary.com is an online store that offers smaller articles about specific subjects. Among the titles we found some interesting series for OOP, databases and automating MS Excel. Please see RSLibrary.com for more information.

One of the books that is a must to read is REAL OOP with REALBASIC book written by Guyren G Howe and it’s available in the PDF file format. Please also check out Mark S. Choate’s book REALbasic – Cross-Platform Application Development which is a great book to learn various code techniques in RS. If available, You may also be interested in Matt Neuburg’s book Realbasic: TDG: The Definitive Guide. The last book I would like to recommend is not a book per se, it consist of blog articles all written by Aaron Ballman. The title is Ramblings on Realbasic.

Resource for Real Studio developers
For some years ago some high profiled RS consultants decided to set up an organization for professional RS developers. The organization was named Association of Realbasic Professionals (ARBP). If You intend to be a professional RS developers then I recommend You to apply for a membership of ARBP. But please take some time to navigate around on their site and get an opinion of Yourself about it.

Third Party Addons
It exist a group of vendors that provides plug-ins and visual controls etc. for RS. I decided to list those vendors I have good experience from and who offers highly professional tools, controls and classes.

  • CyphersTECH Consulting: GraffitiSuite, a collection of high quality visual controls.
  • Einhugur Softwares: A large collection of professional visual controls, including a Grid control. Also Libraries for various tasks.
  • Excel Software: RbApp, a set of visual controls including Grid control and Chart control. Offers a great number of other tools.
  • Figa Software: FGSourceList control, FGScopebar control and FGThumbnailCanvas control.
  • Jérémie Leroy: Ribbon control, Toolbar control and more.
  • LogicalValue Software: Runs the RSDevZone which offers some nice visual controls.
  • MonkeyBread Software: ChartDirector Plug-in, Complete Plug-in (largest collection of plug-ins), DynaPDF Plug-in.
  • Pariahware Inc: Elastic Window.
  • Roth Soft: RS Report Designer, a designer tool for creating reports in RS.
  • RB Garage: Owned by RB Library and is said to be the largest online resource for RS developers.
  • Thomas Tempelmann: Arbed, a collection of tools to use when developing solutions in RS.
  • True North Softwares: Formatted Text control, RB Code Reports and RTFParser

RS – The Perfect Companion
Why do I write that RS is the perfect companion for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs)? Well, I have been using RS for nearly a year and based on my experiences of SMEs I believe it is. I also compiled a list of pros and cons. I believe that the outcome speaks for itself.


  • RS is indeed a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool.
  • RS generates small packages and does not rely on any larger framework.
  • The learning curve for RS is not so steep compared with other languages and platforms.
  • The license fee is quite inexpensive compared with other alternatives.
  • Newer version of RS can be installed and used side-by-side with older version.
  • Many corporations have a mix of new and old computers. RS does not require having the latest most powerful computers to develop RS solutions and to run them.
  • Many corporations have a mix of various operating systems in their computers, most Windows and Mac OS X but also sometime Linux. RS is the only realistic development platform that can provide cross-platform solutions.
  • Many Mac OS X developers use it because it does not exist any attractive alternatives. In other words, corporations that rely on Mac OS X can find a greater range of consultants who knows RS.
  • Easy to deploy and it also exist professional installation softwares that can handle to install cross-platform solutions like InstallAnywhere and BitRock InstallBuilder.


  • Real Software is a small corporate meaning limited man hours to develop, to maintenance and to give support.
  • The use group is, compared with other development tools’ groups, a small group. I believe Real Software writes on their site that RS has 150,000 users.
  • The release cycle can cause problems as classes, methods, properties etc. can be dropped between two versions.
  • Per design RS works on several operating systems which can also be a disadvantage due to the requiry of using the lowest denominator approach.
  • The lack of two important controls, customers to Real Software must depend on third party unless they develop similar controls by themselves.
  • Does not yet support x64.

As for the business risk it’s always higher when working with small corporates. For me that’s by design.

Although RS is competing with other development tools I see RS more as a compliment to  .NET / Eclipse/ Embarcadero Delphi etc.

Finally, this is the first article about RS but certainly not the last; so I say welcome RS to my blog 🙂

Kind regards,

November 8, 2011

Paradigma offer Valentina Office Server 5 connections for free!

Filed under: .NET & Excel, COM Add-ins, Excel, SQLite, Valentina DB, Valentina Office Server, VSTO & Excel — Dennis M Wallentin @ 4:43 pm

Paradigma announced today that they offer their Valentina Office Server 5 connections for free. The offer targets certain groups of users, including Small and Medium sized companies, and for certain tasks.

Not only that, under the same license conditions they also offer Valentina Studio + Valentina Report for free together with any Application Development Kit (ADK) or all ADKs.

The most interesting part of this free offer is, together with the Valentina Office Server itself, the Valentina Report tool. This makes it very attractive as report tools are usually not available for free.

For more information please see the following page at Paradigma’s site:


Kind regards,

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